Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Thief x.x

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!!!

    So for those of you who have me added on Xbox Live, you know that I am completely and totally obsessed with Bethesda games. As of late, I have been playing Thief. I have beaten the game entirely on "Thief" difficulty, which is the game's version of "normal". However, I have been stuck on the battle with the Baron on the Master Difficulty. Basically, you are given the choice to either leave the Baron and escape or "teach him a lesson".
    This part of the chapter was extremely easy on the "Thief" difficulty, however on "Master" he is 20 times stronger and I had to use more ammo to subdue the guards on the way to the battle itself. This leaves me with about half the ammo I had to start with on the first attempt at playing the game. Then, the autosave so kindly puts me right in front of the damn bastard each time it reloads. His enhanced strength on this harder version of the game also makes him a one hit wonder. So basically, if he realizes I am standing right in front of him as the game loads, I die before the game even lets me move.
   Has anyone else had this problem while playing Thief? I've had this happen on other "non-Bethesda" games and it is infuriating, I don't know what to do. I may just have to restart Chapter 7. Even as I suggest restarting the chapter now, I can feel my inner self rolling its eyes. Do any of you have any other suggestions?
