Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Free To Play

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!

It's Cordelia.

I have been trying to think of ways to revive this part of the blog. I know we have gone back and gotten rid of a lot of our old posts as we are trying to recreate the image of the blog. However, I don't want any of you, our loyal readers to think that we are going away. At this point we would like to announce that we will be starting a new segment called "Free to Play" in which we will be going through and playing and reviewing some fun free to play games and share them.

We were inspired to take this direction as we are active gamers but do not always have the money to get the newer and more expensive games. We will be reviewing not only free to play PC games and console games, but mobile games as well.

If you have any suggestions on games that we should try and review, please email us at CordeliaCrossBlog@Gmail.com.

Thank you all!


Friday, February 23, 2018

Zelda Sweet Treats

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!

As you all know, I am completely obsessed with the Legend of Zelda game series and lore. We were gearing up to have a Zelda themed birthday party for my little cousin, and in the process, we came across some really cool ideas for Zelda themed baked goods. I wanted to take a moment to share some of the really cool ones that we found.

I hope you all liked these! leave a comment down below to let us know which one was your favorite!

Have a nice night everyone!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Moving Forward

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!

It's Cordelia.

I know that this part of the blog was pretty much stripped to the bare minimum as part of the past post purge, and I am so sorry for that. However, we do have some fun ideas for this portion of the blog moving forward.

One thing we had been considering starting is a weekly segment where we try out and review apps recommended by our readers on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. If this is something that you would be interested in seeing us try, please reach out to us on Twitter @CordyCross or on Facebook at Cordelia Cross Official and post your suggestions using #GamesWithCordy.

Thank you all so much for your support, and I really hope that this is something you will all enjoy!


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Contrast :: Special :: Kat's Song (Lyrics Video)

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!!!

It's Cordelia.

Lately, I have noticed that a lot of the games coming out are really stepping it up with the integration of their music and their story lines. One game I was particularly impressed with despite the fact that the game itself made me really sad was Contrast.

The whole game had that mysterious Cabaret feeling to it, and the music mirrored that feel so completely. The entire game is basically centered on a little girl named Didi discovering the truth about all of the secrets her family has told her.

Kat, Didi's mother, is a Cabaret dancer centered on doing what she feels is best for her daughter. Kat struggles through the entire storyline as she begins to realize that everything that she thought was best for her daughter may not be as good for her as she thought.

All that turmoil and pain can be felt through "Kat's Song" one of the most memorable songs in the game:

I highly recommend that you get this game on Steam if you like "Story-Heavy" games. I just recommend you keep a box of tissues nearby because you will become emotionally invested in this game...

Monday, February 8, 2016

ESO Pickpocketing.

Hello all you out there in Cyberspace!!!

Cordelia here,

   So, if you ever played Skyrim or Oblivion, you know that Pick-pocketing and stealing were the best ways to make easy gold. I'm here to tell you that this is still the same for ESO. Here is a quick guide to the best way to make some quick and easy gold by Pick-pocketing.

So as you know there are 5 different tier colors for items: White, Green, Blue, Purple and Gold. As is true for all else in the game, these items represent different tiers and different monetary value.

****But before we begin, you may want to go into your options, and turn on Auto Loot for Stolen items and turn off "prevent attacking friendlies".

First, start off by making a new character under one of your profiles. Select Aldmeri Dominion as your alliance.

Run through the Tutorial and if your inventory gets full at any time, instead of destroying the items, try sending them to someone you can trust to hit "return to sender" for you so you can still sell those for gold.

Once you reach Auridon, run around and start scouting out which NPC's are alone without anyone near them. Make sure your inventory is empty and that you know how to get to the Outlaw's Refuge (this is where the fence is located). While you are doing this, also try to get an understanding of the routes guards take. Especially because you may gain a bounty during this process.

Then, start sneaking around and find all of the "Easy" and "Medium" targets. These will be ideal for this "mission" of sorts. REMEMBER, the guards in ESO cannot be killed so once you obtain a bounty avoid the guards at all costs as they can and WILL kill you. If they succeed, they will remove all stolen items from your inventory and take your gold to pay off your bounty. However, guards cannot take money deposited into the bank.

Once you find your mark, pickpocket them three times and then kill them right away. If you fail to pickpocket them, kill them. This way, the NPC will respawn with all three items to pickpocket shortly, and you are working on your achievements (Mass murderer).

If you find any White items (worth 30), destroy them so that you can leave your inventory open for the Greens ( worth 100), Blues (worth 250) and Purples ( worth 750).

Once your inventory is full, run to the Outlaw's Refuge without being seen and talk to a fence. Your transactions are limited each day, which is why we recommend destroying the whites. Then, deposit your money with the money lender near by so that the guards cannot take your money toward your bounty.

After you level up your Ledgerdemain (the thieving tier of skills) then start putting points in your fencing transactions, Pick-pocketing and lock-picking. This way you can eventually you can move over to looting homes and lockboxes.

Well, I hope this helps!!!

Elder Scrolls Online -> A Quick Guide to Increasing Your Inventory Space

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!!!

  I know it's been a while, but I am trying to get better about posting on here. So today I would like to share a fun and quick tip that Sir HuskyTater and I have learned about playing ESO on Xbox One.

   Have you ever wished that you could have an endless amount of inventory space? Well now you can without spending a single gold. When you login to your XBOX and go to your "gamer tag" you have the option to set your console as your "home console." Once you do this, any XBOX live account you create on your console will share your XBOX live subscription as long as they are logged in on your XBOX.

   After this first step, go to Gmail.com on your computer or cellphone and create 10 new email addresses. Make sure to keep track of the password and login information for each one.

    Next, on your XBOX create 10 XBOX live accounts using those email addresses. Don't forget to check those confirmation emails from Gmail and then XBOX.

    Next, start ESO on each of those gamer tags and create a character. You do nopt need to spend as much time on these character creations as you did on your original character, however, it does help to make them all part of the same alliance (Ex: Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant, or Ebonheart Pact).

    After all 10 are created, login to your main account and create a guild. Then login to each one, one at a time and accept all of the invites.

   Now you have 10 members in the guild plus your main player so that you can have a guild bank. The reason that you need 10 members plus yourself is that if you ever have to leave your guild, this will not remove your guild bank so that the other "gamer tags" can still deposit and withdraw from your bank.

Well there you have it. This is how you create your own guild bank, I would also like to give McNasty438 a special thanks for giving us the idea.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Thief x.x

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!!!

    So for those of you who have me added on Xbox Live, you know that I am completely and totally obsessed with Bethesda games. As of late, I have been playing Thief. I have beaten the game entirely on "Thief" difficulty, which is the game's version of "normal". However, I have been stuck on the battle with the Baron on the Master Difficulty. Basically, you are given the choice to either leave the Baron and escape or "teach him a lesson".
    This part of the chapter was extremely easy on the "Thief" difficulty, however on "Master" he is 20 times stronger and I had to use more ammo to subdue the guards on the way to the battle itself. This leaves me with about half the ammo I had to start with on the first attempt at playing the game. Then, the autosave so kindly puts me right in front of the damn bastard each time it reloads. His enhanced strength on this harder version of the game also makes him a one hit wonder. So basically, if he realizes I am standing right in front of him as the game loads, I die before the game even lets me move.
   Has anyone else had this problem while playing Thief? I've had this happen on other "non-Bethesda" games and it is infuriating, I don't know what to do. I may just have to restart Chapter 7. Even as I suggest restarting the chapter now, I can feel my inner self rolling its eyes. Do any of you have any other suggestions?
